Chester, Bobcat
Chester is a 2-year-old male bobcat seized by Kentucky Fish & Wildlife for being illegally housed as a “pet”. While Chester’s former owners loved him very much, a house is not a proper place for a bobcat. Contrary to popular belief, raising wild animals from babies, placing them in homes, and feeding them domestic animals does not make them domesticated. His former owners and Kentucky Fish and Wildlife agreed that as a GFAS-accredited sanctuary, Black Pine Animal Sanctuary was the best place for his forever home. At Black Pine, Chester is loved the way wild animals should be, without direct contact. Chester was moved into a shared habitat space with Evaki (RIP 2024) until she passed. Chester has long legs and has darker markings than other bobcats we have had. This is due to geographical location (darker in color when more Northern and forested). He also is the first bobcat resident in BPAS history to have a black nose.
His favorite enrichment is sensory – he loves perfumes and spices!